Structure systems are exposed to mechanical stresses. One core competence of an engineer is to estimate and to evaluate the load carrying capacity of a structure under the mechanical influence. For that, a suitable modelling must be carried out considering the available mathematic methods. This lecture provides a systematic introduction to the methods of synthetic mechanics on the model conceptions of the rigid bodies that is based on a parallel advanced knowledge of mathematic methods.
Acquisition of competencies
Within this module, an introduction to the engineering mechanics will be imparted. Specifically, the following topics are dealt with:
- Forces and Moments, treatment of forces and moments using vector analysis, general and central systems of forces
- Mechanical equilibrium of rigid bodies, method of sections
- Modelling: elementary components, systems of rigid bodies, trusses
- Distributed forces: volumetric forces and surface forces, centre of gravity of the rigid bodies, equivalence principle
- Internal forces and moments in beam systems, synthetic calculation, differential algebraic treatment
- Normal stress in straight bars and beams, first moment of area
- Shear stress due to shear force and torsion
- Combined stress, stress tensor
- Stressing hypotheses, equivalent stress, Mohr’s stress circle

Form of teaching
The module “Engineering Mechanics” is offered normally each winter term with lectures, workshops, exercises and tutorials in German language.
For that, comprehensive learning materials in German language are provided on the learning platform ILIAS.
Contact person

30167 Hannover