Advisory & Help

Choice of topics for your scientific work

Before you start

Possible topics for the scientific papers you will write in Bachelor and Master can be found on the page Semester Projects & Final Theses.

Theses in the Bachelor:
Take a look at the topics offered. Some topics are already concretely formulated, others are general and can be specified in consultation with the supervising teacher. If you are interested in a topic, please contact the supervising teacher (see PDF file). If no PDF is linked or no supervising teacher is noted, please contact our staff member Dr. Yousef Heider. He will also advise you on general questions concerning work in the Bachelor's programme.

Theses in the Master:
Take a look at the topics offered. If you are interested in a topic, please contact the supervising teacher directly (see PDF file).

Contact person

Photo of Dr.-Ing. habil. Yousef Heider Photo of Dr.-Ing. habil. Yousef Heider
You need advice for your semester project or thesis in your bachelor?
Feel free to contact Dr. Yousef Heider.

Counselling, advice and other services offered by the university