Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Fadi Aldakheel

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Fadi Aldakheel
Appelstraße 9a
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Fadi Aldakheel
- Wissenschaftliches maschinelles Lernen - Energiewende - Variationsprinzipien - Numerische Analyse - Phasenfeld-Ansatz - Multiphysik - Mehrskalige Modellierung - Ermüdung/Bruch/Schäden - Gradientenerweiterte Theorie - Finite Elemente Methode (FEM) - Gekoppelte Probleme - Virtuelle Elemente Methode (VEM) - Modellierung von Materialien - Kontaktmechanik - Theorie Poröser Medien - Experimentelle Validierung -
Aug. 2017 - Jun. 2020 Habilitation, Institut für Kontinuumsmechanik
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Thesis: Simulation of Fracture Processes using Global-Local Approach and Virtual Elements
Abgabetag: 15.06.2020
Betreuer: Prof. Peter Wriggers
Co-Betreuer: Prof. Laura De LorenzisSep. 2011 – Mai 2016 Ph.D., Institut für Mechanik
Universität Stuttgart
Dissertation: Mechanics of Nonlocal Dissipative Solids: Gradient Plasticityand Phase Field Modeling of Ductile Fracture
Betreuer: Prof. Christian Miehe
Co-Betreuer: Prof. Jörn MoslerOkt. 2009 – Aug. 2011 M.Sc. in Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures (COMMAS), Universität Stuttgart
Abschlussarbeit: Computational Homogenization in Micro-Electro-Elasticity
Betreuer: Prof. Christian MieheSep. 2001 – Jun. 2006 B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering,
Power Department, Universität Aleppo, Syrien -
Beruflicher Werdegang
Beruflicher Werdegang
Seit 2023 Full Professor (W3)
Institut für Baumechanik und Numerische Mechanik (IBNM) - Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie
Leibniz Universität Hannover2023 Berufung zur Full-Professur für "Digitalisierung und Datenmodellierung in Naturwissenschaft und Technik" an der Montanuniversität Leoben (abgelehnt) 2022 - 2023 Außerordentlicher Professor (Ehrenamtlich)
Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering (ZCCE), Swansea Universität, Großbritannien2017-2022 Gruppenleiter und Oberingenieur
Institut für Kontinuumsmechanik - Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Leibniz Universität HannoverJun. 2016 – Jul. 2017 Postdoctoraler wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Mechanik (CE), Universität Stuttgart
- Lehre für Masterstudiengang, Planung und Korrektur von Klausuren
- Betreuung Masterarbeiten von Universität und Industrie
- Arbeit mit Ph.D.-Studenten in verschiedenen ForschungsgebietenJul. 2014 – Jul. 2017 Studiengangsleiter für das internationale Master-Programm “Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures” (COMMAS) an der Universität Stuttgart Jul. 2014 – Jul. 2017 Lokaler Direktordes EU Excellence Programms: “Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Computational Mechanics” Jan. 2012 – Jun. 2014 Prüfungsbeauftragter des internationalen Master-Programms “Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures” (COMMAS) an der Universität Stuttgart Jul. 2007 – Aug. 2009 Lehrassistent an der Faculty of Petrochemical Engineering an der Alfurat Universität, Syrien
- Lehre grundständiger Studiengänge
- Planung und Korrektur von KlausurenJun. 2006 – Jun. 2007 HVAC-Ingenieur an der CIAT Middle east north, Aleppo, Syrien
- Vertriebsingenieur und Support-Techniker
- Design von Heiz- und Kühlsystemen für Gebäude
- Vorbereitung finanzieller AngeboteAug. 2005 – Sep. 2005 IAESTE YUGOSLAVIA - Praktika
- Thermal Power Plant Nikola Tesla plc in Obrenowatz, Serbien und Montenegro
- Minel Elvo Unternehmen in Neu Belgrad, Serbien und Montenegro -
Leibniz Universität Hannover SoSe 2024 Baumechanik B Baumechanik B - Tutorium Elastomechanik (Fernstudium) Machine Learning for Material and Structural Mechanics Numerische Mechanik Numerische Mechanik (Fernstudium) Porous Media Mechanics Reliable Simulation in the Mechanics of Materials and Structures (Distance Learning) WiSe 2023/24 Baumechanik A Kontinuumsmechanik von mehrphasigen porösen Materialien/Continuum Mechanics of multiphase porous Materials Machine Learning for Material and Structural Mechanics Reliable Simulation in the Mechanics of Materials and Structures SoSe 2023 Machine Learning for Material and Structural Mechanics I WiSe 2022/23 Machine Learning for Material and Structural Mechanics SoSe 2020 Technische Mechanik IV SoSe 2018 - SoSe 2020 Continuum Mechanics II Numerical Implementation of Constitutive Models WiSe 2017/18 - WiSe 2019/20 Continuum Mechanics I Universität Stuttgart SoSe 2016 - SoSe 2017 Micromechanics of Materials and Homogenization Methods WiSe 2016/17 Computational Mechanics of Materials -
2020 Richard-von-Mises-Preis der International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) 2019 "Best Paper Awards" International Federation for Structural Concrete 2011 DAAD-Stipendium im Master of Science (COMMAS) an der Universität Stuttgart 2002-2006 Ehrenschrift-Urkunden an der Faculty of mechanical engineering, Universität Aleppo, Syrien
(2024): Effect of grain structure on fatigue crack propagation behavior of 2024 aluminum alloy under different stress ratios, Materials & Design, Pages 113117 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2024): Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy induced by turning and ultrasonic surface rolling process, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 30, Pages 6836-6848 Weitere Informationen
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(2024): An enhanced deep learning approach for vascular wall fracture analysis, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Pages 1-14 Weitere Informationen
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(2024): A general phase-field model for simulating impact-sliding contact failure, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Pages 109215 Weitere Informationen
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(2024): Phase field cohesive zone modeling for fatigue crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 422, Pages 116834 Weitere Informationen
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(2024): Hydrogen assisted cracking using an efficient virtual element scheme, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 420, Pages 116708 Weitere Informationen
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(2024): Numerical recipes of virtual element method for phase field modeling of brittle fracture, Procedia Structural Integrity, Volume 52, Pages 740-751 Weitere Informationen
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(2023): Multiscale phase-field modeling of fracture in nanostructures, Journal of Multiscale Modelling, World Scientific Publishing Company Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.1142/S1756973723500130 -
(2023): Continuum Mechanics Background, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 21-40 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Elements for Fracture Processes, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 243-315 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Elements for Problems in Dynamics, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 185-207 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Elements for Computational Homogenization of Polycrystalline Materials, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 369-393 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Element Formulation for Finite Plasticity, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 209-224 Weitere Informationen
(2023): VEM Ansatz Functions and Projection for Solids, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 41-85 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Elements for Thermo-mechanical Problems, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 225-242 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Elements for Beams and Plates, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 395-441 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Elements for Elasticity Problems, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 117-183 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Construction of the Virtual Element, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 97-115 Weitere Informationen
(2023): VEM Ansatz Functions and Projection for the Poisson Equation, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 87-95 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Element Formulation for Contact, Springer International Publishing, Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences, p. 317-367 Weitere Informationen
(2023): FE‐NN: Efficient‐scale transition for heterogeneous microstructures using neural networks, PAMM, e202300011 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Failure of high-speed bearing at cyclic impact-sliding contacts: Numerical and experimental analysis, Elsevier, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 253, 108410 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Energy transition with green hydrogen: Toward computational design of comprehensive proton exchange membrane water electrolysis stacks, PAMM, e202300287 Weitere Informationen
(2023): PP 2020: Cyclic deterioration of high-performance concrete in an experimental-virtual lab, Minisymposia 16, 64 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Element Method for Phase Field Modeling of Dynamic Fracture, Elsevier, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 411, 116050 Weitere Informationen
(2023): 3D Simulations of Fracture Processes Using Global-Local Approach, Sciencedirect, Comprehensive Structural Integrity, Vol. 3, 333-347 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Efficient multiscale modeling of heterogeneous materials using deep neural networks, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 72, 155-171 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Virtual Elements for computational anisotropic crystal plasticity, North-Holland, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 405, 115835 Weitere Informationen
(2023): Machine learning aided multiscale magnetostatics, Sciencedirect, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 184, 104726 Weitere Informationen
(2022): Shear instability of high-speed bearing at cyclic impact-sliding contacts, Available at SSRN 4281375 Weitere Informationen
(2022): Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Induced Fracture Modeling in Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis for Sustainable Hydrogen Production, Elsevier, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 400, 115580 Weitere Informationen
(2022): Probabilistic failure mechanisms via Monte Carlo simulations of complex microstructures, Elsevier, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 399, 115358 Weitere Informationen
(2022): Variational modeling of hydromechanical fracture in saturated porous media: a micromechanics-based phase-field approach, Elsevier, Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering, Vol. 396, 115084 Weitere Informationen
(2022): Virtual Element Methods for Engineering Applications, SEMA SIMAI Springer Series book series, Volume 31, Pages 557-605 Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-030-95319-5 -
(2022): Bayesian inversion with open-source codes for various one-dimensional model problems in computational mechanics, Springer Nature, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 29, 4285-4318 Weitere Informationen
(2022): Recent developments in tensile properties of friction welding of carbon fiber-reinforced composite: A review, Nanotechnology Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 1408-1436 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2022): Phase-Field Modeling of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Brittle Materials, Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics, Pages 15 Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-030-87312-7 -
(2022): Adaptive Virtual Element Method for Large-Strain Phase-Field Fracture, Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics, Pages 195 Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-030-87312-7 -
(2022): Phase Field Modeling of Fatigue Fracture, Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics, Pages 475 Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-030-87312-7 -
(2022): Computational Homogenization Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics, Pages 569 Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-030-87312-7 -
(2022): Multiphysics Computation of Thermomechanical Fatigue in Electronics Under Electrical Loading, Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics, Pages 1 Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-030-87312-7 -
(2022): Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics, Springer Cham Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-030-87312-7 -
(2022): Exploring the mechanical properties of two-dimensional carbon-nitride polymer nanocomposites by molecular dynamics simulations, Composite Structures, Volume 281, Pages 115004 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2022): Influence of moisture content and wet environment on the fatigue behaviour of high-strength concrete, Materials, Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages 1025 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): Multilevel Global-Local techniques for adaptive ductile phase-field fracture, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 387, Pages 114175 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): Bayesian inversion for unified ductile phase-field fracture, Computational Mechanics, Volume 68, pages 943–980 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites Reinforced by C7N6 Nanosheet, Surfaces, Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 240-254 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): Feed-Forward Neural Networks for Failure Mechanics Problems, Applied Sciences, Volume 11, Issue 14, Pages 6483 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): Surface elastic-based nonlinear bending analysis of functionally graded nanoplates with variable thickness, The European Physical Journal Plus, Volume 136, Pages 928 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): A global-local approach for hydraulic phase-field fracture in poroelastic media, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 91. Pages 99-121 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): NURBS-based geometries: A mapping approach for virtual serendipity elements, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 378, Pages 113732 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): 3D mixed virtual element formulation for dynamic elasto-plastic analysis, Computational Mechanics, Volume 68, Pages 1–18 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): A general phase-field model for fatigue failure in brittle and ductile solids, Computational Mechanics, Volume 67, Pages 1431-1452 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): Simulation of Fracture Processes using Global-Local Approach and Virtual Elements, Hannover, Institut für Kontinuumsmechanik, Leibniz Universität Hannover Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-941302-41-9 -
(2021): A design concept of active cooling for tailored forming workpieces during induction heating, Production Engineering, Pages 1-10 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): 3d virtual elements for elastodynamic problems, PAMM, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages e202000175 Weitere Informationen
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(2021): Modeling of Single‐Slip Finite Strain Crystal Plasticity via the Virtual Element Method, PAMM, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages e202000205 Weitere Informationen
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(2020): Curvilinear Virtual Elements for Contact Mechanics, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 372, Pages 113394 Weitere Informationen
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(2020): A review on cementitious self-healing and the potential of phase-field methods for modeling crack-closing and fracture recovery, Materials, Volume 13, Issue 22, Pages 5265 Weitere Informationen
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(2020): Numerical investigations regarding a novel process chain for the production of a hybrid bearing bushing, Production Engineering, Volume 14, pages 569–581 Weitere Informationen
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(2020): Serendipity virtual elements for general element shapes, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Weitere Informationen
(2020): A virtual element formulation for general element shapes, Computational Mechanics, Volume 66, Pages 963-977 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2020): A microscale model for concrete failure in poro-elasto-plastic media, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Volume 107, Pages 102517 Weitere Informationen
ISSN: 0167-8442 -
(2020): An adaptive global-local approach for phase-field modeling of anisotropic brittle fracture, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 361, Pages 112744 Weitere Informationen
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(2020): Phase-field modeling of porous-ductile fracture in non-linear thermo-elasto-plastic solids, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 361, Pages 112730 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2020): Treatment of brittle fracture in solids with the virtual element method, Virtual Design and Validation, Pages 201-228 Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-030-38156-1 -
(2020): Virtual element formulation for finite strain elastodynamics, arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.02680 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2020): Virtual Element Method for Cross-Wedge Rolling during Tailored Forming Processes, Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 47, Pages 713-718 Weitere Informationen
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(2020): Water-induced damage mechanisms of cyclically loaded High-performance concretes, Bauingenieur, Volume 95, Issue 4, Pages 126-132 Weitere Informationen
(2019): Porous-ductile fracture in thermo-elasto-plastic solids with contact applications, Computational Mechanics, Volume 65, Pages 941-966 Weitere Informationen
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(2019): Water‐induced failure mechanics for concrete, PAMM, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages e201900140 Weitere Informationen
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(2019): A finite-strain phase-field approach to ductile failure of frictional materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 172, Pages 147-162 Weitere Informationen
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(2019): Computational Mechanics in Science and Engineering – Quo Vadis, Croatian academy of sciences and arts - Tehničke Znanosti (RAD 536), Volume 19, Pages 1-32 Weitere Informationen
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(2019): Računalna mehanika u znanosti i inženjerstvu–Quo vadis, Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Tehničke znanosti, Issue 536, Pages 1-32 Weitere Informationen
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(2019): A micro-thermo-mechanical model for a tailored formed joining zone deformed by die forging, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2113, Issue 1 Weitere Informationen
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(2019): Influence of water-induced damage mechanisms on the fatigue deterioration of high-strength concrete, Proceedings of the fib Symposium, Pages 1944-1951 Weitere Informationen
(2019): Virtual elements for finite thermo-plasticity problems, Computational Mechanics, Volume 64, Pages 1347-1360 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2019): A Computational framework for brittle crack propagation based on an efficient virtual element method, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 159, Pages 15-32 Weitere Informationen
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(2019): Thermo-mechanical phase-field model for porous-ductile fracture, Proceedings of the 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Pages 71-74 Weitere Informationen
(2019): Application of the Virtual Element Method in Mechanics, Gamm Rundbrief Weitere Informationen
ISSN: 2196-3789 -
(2019): A molecular dynamics study of the interface temperature in ultrasonic metal welding, COUPLED VIII: proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Pages 768-776 Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-84-949194-5-9 -
(2018): A virtual element method for crack propagation, PAMM, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages e201800104 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2018): Multi‐field formulation of large deformation ductile fracture, PAMM, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages e201800349 Weitere Informationen
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(2018): Variational phase-field formulation of non-linear ductile fracture, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 342, Pages 71-94 Weitere Informationen
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(2018): Phase-field modeling of brittle fracture using an efficient virtual element scheme, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 341, Pages 443-466 Weitere Informationen
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(2018): Virtual Element Formulations for Engineering Applications, Book of Abstracts, Page 11 Weitere Informationen
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(2018): Virtual element formulation for phase-field modeling of ductile fracture, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 181-200 Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.2018026804
ISSN: 1940-4352 -
(2018): A low order 3D virtual element formulation for finite elasto–plastic deformations, Computational Mechanics, Volume 63, Issue 2, Pages 253-269 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2018): A Phase-field Model for Ductile Fracture in Frictional Materials, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6), 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7) Weitere Informationen
(2018): A Virtual Element Method For Phase Field Modeling of Brittle Fracture, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6), 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7) Weitere Informationen
(2018): Phase field modeling of ductile fracture in soil mechanics, PAMM, Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages 383-384 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2018): Variational framework for phase field modeling of ductile fracture in porous solids at finite strains, PAMM, VOlume 17, Issue 1, Pages 279-280 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2017): A modified Gurson-type plasticity model at finite strains: formulation, numerical analysis and phase-field coupling, Computational Mechanics, Volume 62, Pages 815-833 Weitere Informationen
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(2017): Phase field modeling of fracture in anisotropic brittle solids, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Volume 97, Pages 1-21 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2017): A Phase Field Approach to Fracture in Anisotropic Brittle Solids, Proceedings of the 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry Weitere Informationen
(2017): Micromorphic approach for gradient-extended thermo-elastic–plastic solids in the logarithmic strain space, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Volume 29, Issue 6, Pages 1207-1217 Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.1007/s00161-017-0571-0 -
(2017): Coupled thermomechanical response of gradient plasticity, International Journal of Plasticity, Volume 91, Pages 1-24 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2017): A phase field model for porous plastic solids at ductile fracture, Proceedings of the 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2017): Multi-field modelling and simulation of large deformation ductile fracture, Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications, Pages 556-567 Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978 - 84 - 946909 - 6 - 9 -
(2016): Phase‐field modeling of ductile fracture at finite strains: A robust variational‐based numerical implementation of a gradient‐extended theory by micromorphic regularization, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 111, Pages 816-863 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2016): Phase field modeling of fracture in porous plasticity: A variational gradient-extended Eulerian framework for the macroscopic analysis of ductile failure, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 312, Pages 3-50 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2016): A Phase‐Field Model of Ductile Fracture at Finite Strains, PAMM, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 181-182 Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201610079 -
(2016): Phase field modeling of ductile fracture at finite strains: A variational gradient-extended plasticity-damage theory, Pergamon, International Journal of Plasticity, Volume 84, Pages 1-32 Weitere Informationen
(2016): Phase-field modelling of ductile fracture: a variational gradient-extended plasticity-damage theory and its micromorphic regularization, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 374, Issue 2066, Pages 20150170
(2016): Mechanics of nonlocal dissipative solids: gradient plasticity and phase field modeling of ductile fracture, Stuttgart: Institut für Mechanik (Bauwesen), Lehrstuhl I, Universität Stuttgart Weitere Informationen
ISBN: 978-3-937859-22-4 -
(2015): Ductile failure with gradient plasticity coupled to the phase‐field fracture at finite strains, WILEY‐VCH Verlag, PAMM, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 271-272 Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201510126 -
(2015): Phase field modeling of fracture in multi-physics problems. Part II. Coupled brittle-to-ductile failure criteria and crack propagation in thermo-elastic–plastic solids, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 294, Pages 486-522 Weitere Informationen
DOI: -
(2015): Phase Field Modeling of Ductile Fracture, 86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Weitere Informationen
(2014): Towards Phase Field Modeling of Ductile Fracture in Gradient‐Extended Elastic‐Plastic Solids, PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.14, 411 – 412 Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201410193 -
(2014): Variational gradient plasticity at finite strains. Part II: Local–global updates and mixed finite elements for additive plasticity in the logarithmic strain space, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 268 (2014) 704–734 Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2013.07.015 -
(2013): Mixed variational principles and robust finite element design of gradient plasticity at finite strains, PAMM·Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.13, 173 – 174 (2013) Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201310082 -
(2013): Mixed variational principles and robust finite element implementations of gradient plasticity at small strains, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng2013;94:1037–1074 Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.1002/nme.4486 -
(2011): Computational Homogenization in Micro-Electro-Elasticity, Stuttgart: Institut für Mechanik (Bauwesen), Lehrstuhl I, Universität Stuttgart Weitere Informationen
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34176.66562 -
(2024): CNN-powered micro- to macro-scale flow modeling in deformable porous media, Meccanica (under review)
(2019): Efficient 3D virtual elements for finite strain thermo-plasticity, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 30167 Hannover, Germany Weitere Informationen
(2019): Phase-field model for high cycle fatigue life prediction of brittle materials Weitere Informationen
(2019): Water-induced failure mechanics for concrete: Micro-mechanical model, experimental observation and phase-field coupling, Institute for Continuum Mechanics (IKM) Leibniz Universitaet Hannover Weitere Informationen
(2019): A discontinuous approach to fracture based on the phase-field and the virtual element method Weitere Informationen